At Great Expense 2
Cola-Corp Corpa-Colleague Buck, fresh from being kidnapped by the soda criminal Johnny Fantango, has been bumped across to the Corporation's Propaganda Division to represent Cola-Corp at an upcoming conference. What could possibly go wrong?
At Great Expense 2 is a remarkably daft, full-cast floric with terrible cocktails, one heavily pregnant goat and a whole bunch of surprisingly detailed maps.
At Great Expense simply wouldn't exist without the voices of Joseph Albanese, Joe Askew, Chloe Couper, Jozef Raczka, Tom Pullen, Rhiannon Morgan and art by the fizzingly good August Charters.
Tom Pullen Voice Actor for Buck in the Great Expense 2 Podcast
Joe Askew Voice Actor for Rill in the Great Expense 2 Podcast
Joe Albanese Voice Actor in the Great Expense 2 Podcast
Rhiannon Morgan Voice Actor in the Great Expense 2 Podcast
Chloe Couper Voice Actor for Birdy in the Great Expense 2 Podcast
Tom Pullen Voice Actor for Conductor in the Great Expense 2 Podcast